The Review: Rodin Olio Lusso

The Review: Rodin Olio Lusso


This weekend, I spent the better majority giving my makeup bag a deep cleaning. I'd gotten to the point where I was rotating between a lot of products and I didn't really know what was working for me and what was mostly so-so. I'm a big fan of pairing things down to the essentials—simple products with minimal ingredients. I justify splurging on quality products that are effective because, hey, it's my face!

I've shared my love for Rodin products via Instagram many times, but wanted to give an update since I'd been recently introduced to Linda's signature oil and I've been avidly using it since. My skin is looking so plump and hydrated that I'm praying I never reach the bottom of the bottle. I apply this rich, hydrating oil at night, waking up to a radiant, glowing complexion. My skin is really fond of oil-based moisturizers and serums. The product really sinks into the skin and feels like it's doing something, whereas I find that most creams and gels sit on top of the skin. I immediately noticed a difference using this product. The packaging is also super chic—this oil just makes you look and feel expensive.

You only need a drop or two to cover your whole face. I'm telling you: this stuff is it. Your face will thank you.

Shop Rodin Olio Lusso here.

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